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This library prioritizes performance as a core design principle. While it doesn't aim to replace feature-rich libraries like Michael Altmann's excellent FluentResults or Steve Smith's popular Ardalis.Result. LightResults strives for exceptional performance by intentionally simplifying its API.


Below are comparisons of LightResults against other result pattern implementations.

BenchmarkDotNet v0.13.12, Windows 11 (10.0.22631.3155/23H2/2023Update/SunValley3)
13th Gen Intel Core i7-13700KF, 1 CPU, 24 logical and 16 physical cores
.NET SDK 8.0.200
  [Host]     : .NET 8.0.2 (, X64 RyuJIT AVX2
  DefaultJob : .NET 8.0.2 (, X64 RyuJIT AVX2
  Iterations : 100 000

Returning a successful result

Method Mean Ratio Allocated Alloc Ratio
LightResults: Result.Ok() 18.75 μs 1.00 -
FluentResults: Result.Ok() 970.51 μs 51.75 5.34 MB
ArdalisResult: Result.Success() 884.94 μs 47.20 12.21 MB

String representation of a successful result

Method Mean Ratio Allocated Alloc Ratio
LightResults: Result.Ok().ToString() 19.25 μs 1.00 -
FluentResults: Result.Ok().ToString() 6596.66 μs 342.67 14.50 MB
ArdalisResult: Result.Success().ToString() 176.13 μs 9.15 -

Returning a successful value result

Method Mean Ratio Allocated Alloc Ratio
LightResults: Result<T>.Ok(value) 301.55 μs 1.00 3.05 MB 1.00
FluentResults: Result.Ok<T>(value) 3,319.44 μs 11.01 11.44 MB 3.75
ArdalisResult: Result<T>.Success(value) 869.52 μs 2.88 11.44 MB 3.75

String representation of a successful value result

Method Mean Ratio Allocated Alloc Ratio
LightResults: Result<T>.Ok(value).ToString() 2,264.87 μs 1.00 14.50 MB 1.00
FluentResults: Result.Ok<T>(value).ToString() 9,240.23 μs 4.08 29.75 MB 2.05
ArdalisResult: Result<T>.Success(value).ToString() 180.07 μs 0.08 - 0.00

Returning a failed result

Method Mean Ratio Allocated Alloc Ratio
LightResults: Result.Fail() 18.73 μs 1.00 -
FluentResults: Result.Fail("") 4,605.57 μs 245.94 25.18 MB
ArdalisResult: Result.Error() 721.64 μs 38.53 12.21 MB

String representation of a failed result

Method Mean Ratio Allocated Alloc Ratio
LightResults: Result.Fail().ToString() 59.70 μs 1.00 -
FluentResults: Result.Fail("").ToString() 16,118.10 μs 270.01 37.38 MB
ArdalisResult: Result.Error().ToString() 180.96 μs 3.03 -

Returning a failed result with an error message

Method Mean Ratio Allocated Alloc Ratio
LightResults: Result.Fail(errorMessage) 358.16 μs 1.00 5.34 MB 1.00
FluentResults: Result.Fail(errorMessage) 2,109.22 μs 5.89 10.68 MB 2.00
ArdalisResult: Result.Error(errorMessage) 1,116.45 μs 3.12 15.26 MB 2.86

String representation of a failed result with an error message

Method Mean Ratio Allocated Alloc Ratio
LightResults: Result.Fail(errorMessage).ToString() 2,636.35 μs 1.00 23.65 MB 1.00
FluentResults: Result.Fail(errorMessage).ToString() 21,792.47 μs 8.27 89.27 MB 3.77
ArdalisResult: Result.Error(errorMessage).ToString() 176.21 μs 0.07 - 0.00

Returning a failed value result

Method Mean Ratio Allocated Alloc Ratio
LightResults: Result<T>.Fail() 18.72 μs 1.00 -
FluentResults: Result.Fail<T>("") 4,800.67 μs 256.39 25.94 MB
ArdalisResult: Result<T>.Error() 857.74 μs 45.81 11.44 MB

String representation of a failed value result

Method Mean Ratio Allocated Alloc Ratio
LightResults: Result<T>.Fail().ToString() 59.57 μs 1.00 -
FluentResults: Result.Fail<T>("").ToString() 19,730.34 μs 331.37 55.70 MB
ArdalisResult: Result<T>.Error().ToString() 176.75 μs 2.97 -

Returning a failed value result with an error message

Method Mean Ratio Allocated Alloc Ratio
LightResults: Result<T>.Fail(errorMessage) 373.73 μs 1.00 6.11 MB 1.00
FluentResults: Result.Fail<T>(errorMessage) 2,116.39 μs 5.66 11.44 MB 1.88
ArdalisResult: Result<T>.Error(errorMessage) 1,048.89 μs 2.81 14.50 MB 2.38

String representation of a failed value result with an error message

Method Mean Ratio Allocated Alloc Ratio
LightResults: Result<T>.Fail(errorMessage).ToString() 2,867.35 μs 1.00 23.65 MB 1.00
FluentResults: Result<T>.Error(errorMessage).ToString() 26,214.19 μs 9.14 115.97 MB 4.90
ArdalisResult: Result.Fail<T>(errorMessage).ToString() 179.75 μs 0.06 - 0.00

Determining if a result contains a specific error

Method Mean Ratio Allocated Alloc Ratio
LightResults: result.HasError<T>() 93.69 μs 1.00 -
FluentResults: result.HasError<T>() 12,697.37 μs 135.53 40.44 MB
ArdalisResult: result.Errors.Any(errorMessage => errorMessage.Equals(ErrorMessage)) 761.70 μs 8.13 3.05 MB

Retrieving the first error

Method Mean Ratio Allocated Alloc Ratio
LightResults: result.Error 28.10 μs 1.00 -
FluentResults: result.Errors[0] 4,429.89 μs 157.65 17.55 MB
ArdalisResult: result.Errors.First() 1,267.42 μs 45.11 -